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Tara Knowles As


Tara begins the series as a kind, gentle, doctor. Tara is Jax’s wife and mother to Thomas and step-son, Abel. Tara is a healer by trade with a good heart. Like Jesus’ mother Mary, Tara is a strong motherly figure. Though she is not mother to Jax who represents the role of Jesus, she is mother to a child born of special parentage. Despite the fact that she was not pregnant, she did become mother to Abel without fornicating with his father, giving her a virgin mary-like quality. She did not produce a child with Jax, but was gifted with his child anyway.

Throughout the series Tara is a great source of strength, loyalty and nurturing. No matter what Tara does what is best for her sons, even when it’s difficult. This too is like Mary, who watched her son through his struggles knowing it was what he was meant to do, and what would be best for him (Vaughn, n.d.).

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